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Tools for schools
ESA School Atlas
The ESA School Atlas takes geography, an old subject matter, and puts a new spin on it with real satellite imagery and geographical software.

With the use of satellite imagery, this atlas provides not only standard information on various landscapes, it also gives information on a vast array of normally invisible environmental elements, such as the flow of ocean currents and the effect of precipitation and cloud cover on atmospheric temperature.

For more information, please follow this link:  
SEOS – eLearning tutorials on Earth observation
SEOS provides high schools with 15 internet-based eLearning tutorials on Earth observation. These tutorials are tested in cooperation with selected European partner schools.

SEOS is an initiative used to promote remote sensing in science education curricula in high schools funded under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission (EC). The project is implemented by 11 partners from different European countries in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA).

For more information, please follow this link:


Tools for schools
ESA School AtlasSEOS Tutorials
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