Manual exercises - Continued


Climate Diagram

The different climates of Africa show variations in the allocation of humid and arid months as well as in the fluctuation of temperature.

There are regions without humidity, without aridity, with one rainy season in summer or in winter, or with two rainy seasons.

These differences are reflected in the six climate diagrams arranged below.

Climate diagram: <br>Salah, Algeria Climate diagram: Salah, Algeria
Climate diagram: N'Djamena, Chad Climate diagram: N'Djamena, Chad
Climate diagram: Nairobi, Kenya Climate diagram: Nairobi, Kenya


Climate diagram: Point Noire, Rep. Congo Climate diagram:
Point Noire, Rep. Congo
Climate diagram: Windhoek, Namibia Climate diagram: Windhoek, Namibia
Climate diagram: Cape Town, South-Africa Climate diagram: Cape Town, South-Africa

Describe the diagrams and allocate them to the different climate zones of Africa using a climate map as reference.
Why are there regions with two rainy seasons? Why are there others without any or just one rainy season?
Explain the reasons and check the arrangement of rainfall in your home town.



Last update: 17 April 2013

African climate

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 •  Africa - Meteosat visible channel (
 •  Africa - Meteosat thermal infrared channel (
 •  Africa - Meteosat water vapour channel (