ESAEducationInicioTiempo y climaCambio globalDesastres naturales
El tiempo
El foehnMeteosat InteractivoImágenes del Meteosat
El clima
Clima de ÁfricaClima del HimalayaEl NiñoExplora el mundo y su clima con JP ExplorerLa Corriente del GolfoLago Chad
Article Images
El clima, las estaciones y la meteorología del Himalaya - Antecedentes
The Earth's movement around the Sun
 HI-RES GIF (Size: 2 kb)
This model is not to scale. The eccentricity is only 1/120 and would not be visible in the sketch.

Credits: ESA
  Zonas climáticas
Climate map of Himalayan region
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 244 kb)
Different climatic zones within the Himalayan region.

Credits: ESA
  Convergencia intertropical (CIT)
Intertropical convergence
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 42 kb)
Intertropical convergence.

Credits: ESA
  Vientos alisios
Trade wind circulation
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 91 kb)
Trade wind circulation.

Credits: ESA
  El monzón de la India
Indian Monsoon
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 699 kb)
Indian Monsoon.

Credits: ESA
  Satélites meteorológicos
MSG, Meteosat Second Generation artistic view
 HI RES JPG (Size: 628 Kb)
The first launch of a second generation of Meteosat satellites was in 2002. The opportunity to analyse the atmosphere and its trace gasses was enhanced with these satellites.

Credits: ESA/Ducros

Tiempo y clima
IntroducciónEjercicios manualesEstudio del vapor de agua en la atmósferaEl monzón de verano y las inundaciones que provoca
Meteosat imagesWeather broadcast worldwideClimate systemCAREDLR - Basemapping
of Dhaka
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3ArcExplorer
Eduspace - Download
Climate zones (PDF)Climate diagrams (PDF)Temperature and precipitation diagrams (PDF)Ready-made diagrams (PDF)Himalayas water vapour images (ZIP)SPOT XS images of Bangladesh (ZIP)Landsat images of Bangladesh (ZIP)Shape files for Bangladesh (ZIP)Map of climate zones
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