ESA title
Enabling & Support

Media invitation: 10 years XMM-Newton - Celebration Talks

19/01/2010 664 views 0 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Operations

On 20 January, the European Space Operations Centre will celebrate the 10th anniversary of 'first light' for ESA's XMM-Newton satellite. Members of the media are invited to join us for the 'XMM-Newton Celebration Talks', a special programme celebrating ten years of x-ray observations.

Celebration Talks


14:00: Welcome (M. Warhaut) Mission Status

14:05: A. Parmar (Mission Manager): XMM-Newton - The mission

14:20: M. Kirsch (Spacecraft Operations Manager): XMM status and perspectives

14:35: N. Schartel (Project Scientist): Scientific achievement and perspectives

14:50: L. Strüter (Instrument CoI): The EPIC instrument and its perspective

15:10: J. W. Den Herder (Instrument CoI): The RGS instrument and its perspective

Coffee break 20min

Mission History

15:50: U. Minne (Astrium): How we built it

16:10: H. Nye (ESA): Starting the Mission

16:30: F. Jansen (ESA): Get it up and going

16:50: D. Heger (ESA): The recovery in 2008

X-ray Astronomy

17:10: J. Schmitt (Univ. Hamburg): X-ray Astronomy: What we know in 2010

17:30: J. Wilms (Dr. Karl Remeis-Sternwarte): X-ray Astronomy: The future

19:00 Dinner (invited guests only)

About XMM-Newton

Launched on 10 December 1999, ESA's XMM-Newton space observatory is the flagship of European X-ray astronomy. It is the most powerful X-ray telescope ever placed in orbit and is observing the 'hot' X-ray universe including objects like neutron stars, black holes and active galaxies. Over 300 scientific papers are published annually using data provided by XMM-Newton.

Spacecraft Operations Manager Markus Kirsch on the XMM Newton Mission:

The XMM-Newton Celebration Talks will be webcast live here on 20 January, beginning at 13:55 CET.

Media participation

Interested members of the media should register by email to:

Andreas Schepers
Communication Officer
Tel: +49 (0)6151 - 90 25 46

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