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Leonardo's Anemometer
Leonardo's Anemometer
Subject Acoustics and kinematics
Level Upper secondary
Language English
Type Experiments, lecture

The anemometer invented by Leonardo da Vinci has been built in the projects "Science Workshop" and "Science facts, characters and ideas" in the school year 2005/2006 by a group of teachers and students of IT IS G. Ferraris in Naples. The purpose of these projects can be summarized in this way: to re-examine old devices or experiments, build them in labratory and define modules for their integration in to modern didactics (one of the most meaningful experiences that is possible thanks to Leonardo's anemometer is to compare the measurements of wind speed obtained by an electronic simulation with the one supplied by the anemometer itself).

Such operational procedures allow to development of the cultural and historical area in which the devices were invented and teh ability to carry out flexible didactics, to discover about the behavioural and didactic problems of the students and stimulate the learning of the best ones.  
Contact details
NameRemo Nino GuglielmoLuigi Capuzzo
Last update: 17 July 2007


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Leonardo's Anemometer PDF
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