ESA title
Thomas Reiter is currently a member of the Expedition 13 crew
Science & Exploration

NASA briefings on ISS missions

22/08/2006 404 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Astrolab

NASA has announced two media briefings on the current and next long-duration missions to the International Space Station (ISS). The briefings will take place on Tuesday 22 August at 20:00 CEST (18:00 UT) and 21:00 CEST (19:00 UT), and will be broadcast live on NASA TV.

The briefings will focus on the Station's ongoing Expedition 13 mission and the upcoming Expedition 14 mission, which will launch with the Soyuz spacecraft next month.

ISS seen from Space Shuttle Discovery during docking operations on 6 July 2006
ISS seen from Space Shuttle Discovery during docking operations on 6 July 2006

ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter became a member of the Expedition 13 crew shortly after his arrival at the Station with Space Shuttle Discovery on 6 July. Continuing his long-duration stay on ISS, Reiter becomes a member Expedition 14 following the crew exchange in September.

The briefings will originate from NASA's Johnson Space Center, in Houston, United States.


Expedition 14 preflight briefing, 20:00 CEST (18:00 UT):
-- Kirk Shireman, deputy International Space Station programme manager
-- Melissa Owens, Expedition 14 increment manager
-- Ginger Kerrick, Expedition 14 lead flight director

Expedition 13 recap briefing, 21:00 CEST (19:00 UT):
-- Merri Sanchez, Expedition 13 increment manager
-- Cathy Koerner, Expedition 13 lead flight director
-- Julie Robinson, deputy International Space Station programme scientist
-- Dr. Stevan Gilmore, Expedition 13 flight surgeon

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