ESA title
Science & Exploration

"We enhance your abilities"

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Business

ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH, founded in 2004 is a service provider located in Dortmund, Germany. Its main business focus is on offering innovative companies access to and the possibility of using innovative research opportunities available in microgravity conditions.

To this end, ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH informs and consults companies about research in microgravity for industrial and commercial purposes. ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH offers comprehensive customer support services ranging from the identification of company-specific benefits of research in microgravity, project development and the implementation of project financing models. The business segments currently on focus are biotechnology, materials science, energy management and nanotechnology.

One major project of ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH is the implementation of the "Spaceflight Application Centre Ruhr" initiated by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the Projekt Ruhr GmbH. Based on economical core competencies in the Ruhr area (e.g. chemistry, energy management, and material sciences) which are widely congruent with the research opportunities space offers the "Spaceflight Application Centre Ruhr" focuses on the interests and needs of non-space industry in the Ruhr valley. By systematically offering innovative research tools in space to the non-space industry the market- and customer-oriented centre – organised in a public-private-partnership model – "may also help to foster and accelerate the transition and modernisation processes in the Ruhr area" says Dr Michael Massow, managing director of ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH.

ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH is the co-ordinator of the "Commercial Agent Network" which has been appointed by ESA to promote, sell and to market the European research facilities on board the International Space Station to the Life Sciences sector (biotechnology, health, nutrition and food) in Europe. The Commercial Agent Network comprises the companies AGT Engineering (Italy), EMBL EM Technology Transfer GmbH (Germany) and MEDES – Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology (France). "Based on this network of highly experienced and motivated partners, we are confident that we will be able to systematically develop the commercial utilisation of ISS" stated Dr Massow.

The company’s team has expertise in different terrestrial market sectors as well as expertise in bridging the space world and the non-space world. In order to successfully connect both worlds additional customer-oriented expertise will be made available through the ISS Lab Ruhr network. All these activities are backed by a competent support team in charge of project management, sales, marketing as well as organisational and administrative tasks.


ISS Lab Ruhr GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 15
44227 Dortmund (Germany)
Phone: +49 231 – 97 42 79 00
Fax: +49 231 – 97 42 79 19

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