ESA title
Fuglesang and Curbeam during the second STS-116 spacewalk
Science & Exploration

Christer Fuglesang's space diary #4

15/12/2006 498 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Celsius Mission - English version

The spacewalk was yet another spectacular extraordinary experience. Today everything went as planned, largely without problems. The Station's new electrical system (the half we did today) got up perfectly and much quicker than expected.

Ground control has done a fantastic job. The only difficulty for my part was that the connections in the "rats' nest" were tougher and required more strength than when we practiced in the pool. It is complicated to reach them and I wanted to be as careful as possible so none of the other cables or anything else was damaged.

When I stood on the end of the robotic arm during the relocation of the CETA carts it was incredibly beautiful. We came in over Europe during a night pass. I could see lights from several cities, and up north, towards Sweden, the whole horizon was covered by the Aurora! Soon afterwards I was met by a fantastically splendid sunrise.

NASA is discussing a possible fourth spacewalk to fix the solar panel that would not fold completely yesterday. So if I am lucky, I will get another chance to go out! But if, how and who in that case, is not decided until Saturday.


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