ESA title
Science & Exploration

Daily activities

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Celsius Mission - English version

Mission Summary

Christer Fuglesang will also be undertaking an experiment programme for the European Space Agency as part of the Celsius Mission though this is not currently fixed to a specific day in the mission timeline.

Flight Day 1 - Launch

  • Launch from Kennedy Space Center
  • Shuttle to On-orbit configuration
  • Activation of Spacehab
  • Activation of Shuttle robotic arm

Flight Day 2

  • Test the Space Shuttle’s robotic arm
  • Checking the Space Shuttle heat shields using robotic arm
  • EVA preparation including testing EVA suits
  • Preparations for docking with the ISS

Flight Day 3 - Docking

  • Rendezvous and dock with the ISS including Shuttle backflip manoeuvre to check heat shields
  • Hatches opened
  • P5 truss moved out of Shuttle cargo bay to overnight parked position using Shuttle and ISS robotic arms
  • Transfer equipment from Shuttle to airlock
  • Checks on EVA suits. EVA tools prepared
  • Fuglesang and Curbeam sealed in airlock for the night to help flush nitrogen out of the blood pre-EVA

Flight Day 4 – EVA 1 (Fuglesang/Curbeam)

  • EVA prep
  • P5 truss moved to installation location with Station robotic arm
  • Solar arrays fixed in position
  • EVA: Attach P5 truss to P4 truss, relocate grapple fixture on P5, and remove and replace camera on S1 truss

Flight Day 5

  • Transfer cargo between Shuttle and ISS
  • Switch over power responsibilities from 4B solar array on P6 truss to 4A solar array on P4 truss
  • Retract 4B solar array
  • Activate Solar Alpha Rotary Joint for rotating solar arrays on P4 truss section
  • Fill and activate port-side cooling loop
  • Fuglesang and Curbeam sealed in airlock for the night to help flush nitrogen out of the blood pre-EVA

Flight Day 6 - EVA 2 (Fuglesang/Curbeam)

  • Switch ISS systems to power channels 1 and 4
  • Shut down power channels 2 and 3
  • EVA: Reconfigure power on power channels 2 and 3 around S0 and Z1 truss sections. Activate port-side thermal control system, Activate power channels 2 and 3. Relocate Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA) carts from starboard to port-side of Mobile Transporter.

Flight Day 7

  • Transfer cargo between Shuttle and ISS
  • Fill and activate starboard cooling loop
  • Curbeam and Williams sealed in airlock for the night to help flush nitrogen out of the blood pre-EVA

Flight Day 8 EVA 3 (Curbeam/Williams)

  • Switch ISS systems to power channels 2 and 3
  • Shut down power channels 1 and 4
  • EVA: Reconfigure power on power channels 1 and 4 around S0 and Z1 truss sections. Activate starboard thermal control system, Activate power channels 1 and 4. Stow debris protection panels on mating adapter outside of ISS Node 1. Install grapple bar on thermal box

Flight Day 9

  • Configure port and starboard thermal control power supply
  • Transfer of equipment and supplies
  • EVA preparations, including reconfiguring EVA suit to fit Fuglesang
  • Fuglesang and Curbeam sealed in airlock for the night to help flush nitrogen out of the blood pre-EVA

Flight Day 10 - EVA 4 (Fuglesang/Curbeam)

  • EVA: Aid retraction P6 solar array

Flight Day 11 - Undocking

  • Clean-up after EVA
  • Final transfer of equipment and supplies
  • Hatch Closure
  • Undock
  • Station flyover
  • Thruster burn

Flight Day 11

  • Late inspection of Shuttle heat shields

Flight Day 12

  • Landing preparations
  • Shuttle to landing configuration

Flight Day 13 - Landing

  • Landing preparations
  • Deorbit burn
  • Reentry
  • Landing at Kennedy Space Center