ESA title
Science & Exploration

Ready for Space!

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Celsius Mission - English version

Early this morning, one o’clock local time, I eventually completed my private Notebook. So now I am by definition ready. Ready for Space! Earlier in the day we were able to be with our respective partners for a few hours and especially to show them around the launch tower. It was enormous fun for both them and us.

Later Nick and I were in the cockpit for an hour in order to check that all the cable connections to the TV, laptops etc. were in the correct positions. It was also an excellent opportunity to look around a little and become familiar with the unusual vertical orientation.

ESA had a big reception at Cocoa Beach, where all the launch guests were present, around 400 according to the information. I was able to telephone there and talk to the most distinguished guests (which of course included Lisa!). The mood seemed very good. Everything technically is still "GO" for launching today and just recently the movable part covering Discovery itself was swung away. Now it is mostly up to the weather gods. The latest forecast gave only a 40% chance of launching, but we will most likely all jump into Discovery tomorrow anyway and then see how it goes.

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