ESA title
Science & Exploration

'Habla ISS' contest winners

14/08/2003 342 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Cervantes Mission

More than 250 Spanish primary school classes entered the 'Habla ISS' contest to win a chance to talk live via radio with ESA astronaut Pedro Duque during his stay on board the International Space Station (ISS) in October. The evaluation committee has now selected the two best drawings and the two best stories.

The contest was open to Spanish primary schools, with entrants submitting either a picture or a story. The nationwide contest, organised by ESA and ARISS (Amateur Radio on the ISS), involved around 5000 school children. The contest winners were chosen from the 67 drawings and 59 stories that reached the final selection.

The winning classes are…

Happy and colourful drawing from the CP Ramon Laporte primary school
Happy and colourful drawing from the CP Ramon Laporte primary school

· The children of Class 1 of the CP Ramon Laporta primary school from Sinarcas, in the province of Valencia, (Reference number 11030) for their very happy and colourful drawing:

A dreamy view of space
A dreamy view of space

· The children of Class 3 of the 'CP El Centro Ingles' primary school from El Puerto de Santa María, in the province of Cádiz, (Reference number 10070) for their dreamy view of space:

· The children of Class 5 of the 'CEIP Santa Mariña' primary school from Vigo, in the province of Pontevedra, (Reference number 10106) with a touching story of a small girl who wants to be an astronaut...

Read the story »»

The story of a small girl who want to be an astronaut
The story of a small girl who want to be an astronaut
Illustrated poem 'De Cantabria al Cielo'
Illustrated poem 'De Cantabria al Cielo'

· The children of Class 6 of the 'CP Matilde de la Torre' primary school from Ganzo-Torrelavega, in the province of Cantabria, (Reference number 11035) for their wonderful illustrated poem 'De Cantabria al Cielo'.

Read the poem, there are five pages in all:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5

Extra prize

Rocket made of papier maché
Rocket made of papier maché

One extra prize was given to the children of Class 2 of the 'CP Jose Ma de Lapuerta' primary school from the Cartagena, in the province of Murcia, (Reference number 11007) for the incredible Miró-style rocket model they made in papier maché.

Portuguese class

The opportunity was offered to one class from Portugal to join the event. The winners from Portugal are... the children of Class 3 of the 'E.B. 1/ J.I de Casal do Cotão' primary school from Sintra, in the province of Lisboa, (Reference number 10094) for their very imaginative story.

The prize

The 'Verbum' museum of Vigo, Spain
The 'Verbum' museum of Vigo, Spain

All the children from the prize winning classes are invited to join us for a one-day event in the 'Verbum' museum of Vigo, Spain, from where the radio-contact will be established with the International Space Station. Twenty school children will be offered the possibility to directly ask their questions to Pedro Duque while he is flying in space, far above our heads!

The whole evaluation committee has very much enjoyed receiving so many creative stories and drawings, the choice was not easy to make and we would like to congratulate all the participants of the 'Habla ISS' contest! You will all receive a souvenir from us very soon…

For more information, please visit the 'Habla ISS' web site or contact us at

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