ESA title
Science & Exploration

Topical ESA newspapers

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Columbus

Alissé newspaper

ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang's Alissé mission to the International Space Station.

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OasISS newspaper

ESA astronaut Frank De Winne's six-month OasISS mission to the International Space Station.

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STS-122 newspaper

STS-122 carried ESA’s Columbus laboratory into orbit. The crew included ESA astronauts Hans Schlegel and Léopold Eyharts.

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Esperia newspaper

ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli's mission to deliver the Node 2 module (Harmony) to the International Space Station. The Esperia Mission took place between 23 October and 7 November 2007.

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ISS newspaper
(new version as of 12 June 2009)

A springboard to the future for Europe - much of what is learnt today becomes the backbone of tomorrow's space exploration efforts.

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Columbus laboratory newspaper

Europe’s most important contribution to the Space Station. A cylindrical module, equipped with flexible research facilities that offer extensive science capabilities.

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ATV newspaper

From its first operational flight in 2008, Europe’s most challenging spaceship to date will play a vital role in servicing the International Space Station.

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