ESA title
Science & Exploration

ISS Education Kit - download

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Education

The ISS Education Kit is aimed at teachers of secondary school pupils aged 12-15. ESA has developed the kit using input from teachers.

Five chapters use various aspects of ISS to present inter-disciplinary exercises common to European curricula. The text describes what the ISS is, how it is being built, what it is like to live and work on board, and what future voyages will be like.

There are not only text and explanations about the International Space Station, but also related inter-disciplinary exercises, a teacher's guide and a glossary.

Teacher's Guide PDF
Chapter 1 What is the International Space Station? PDF
Chapter 2 Building the International Space Station PDF
Chapter 3 Living on board the International Space Station PDF
Chapter 4 Working on board the International Space Station PDF
Chapter 5 Future voyages PDF
Acknowledgements PDF
Glossary PDF


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