ESA title
ExoMars 2016 liftoff
Science & Exploration

ExoMars launch updates

14/03/2016 14492 views 206 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Exploration / ExoMars

Updates from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for the launch of ExoMars 2016 today.

Livestreaming of the launch will begin here on 14 March at 08:30 GMT (09:30 CET), with regular text updates provided on this page.

Launch is scheduled for 09:31 GMT (10:31 CET) on 14 March with first acquisition of signal expected at 21:29 GMT (22:29 CET)

Follow @ESA_ExoMars, @esaoperations and @esascience on twitter for additional #ExoMars coverage. Once mission controllers have established contact with the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) following acquisition of signal, the @ESA_TGO Twitter account will become active.

14 March:

Press release: ExoMars en route to solve Red Planet's mysteries

22:32 CET: Solar array deployment started (completed 22:38 CET)

22:29 CET: Acquisition of signal confirmed. We have a mission to Mars!

21:15 CET: Separation of TGO from upper stage confirmed

21:06 CET: Fourth and final burn of Breeze-M upper stage completed

14:40 CET: Third burn of Breeze-M upper stage completed. One more to go! 

12:27 CET: Flight Director confirms second burn of Breeze-M upper stage completed. Two more burns are needed to boost TGO on its way to Mars.

10:48 CET: Flight Director confirms first burn of Breeze-M upper stage completed. Three more burns are needed to boost TGO on its way to Mars. Updates to follow through the afternoon.

10:43 CET: Proton 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage separations confirmed, fairing jettisoned; Breeze–M upper stage will now take over to provide additional boosts


10:26 CET: All teams at ESOC confirm GO for launch!

10:11 CET: The team at Baikonur are now disconnecting the power umbilical connection to the TGO. Spacecraft is now on internal power, drawing electricity from its batteries until ~12 hrs after launch

09:38 CET: Flight Director at ESOC conducts GO/NOGO roll call with the Mission Control Team. All positions report GO for launch!

09:21 CET: In Baikonur, the service gantry tower has started to roll back away from the rocket. This will take about 25 mins

09:10 CET: Deputy Operations Manager Silvia Sangiorgi (at ESOC) just confirmed the TGO remains healthy

07:30 CET: Fuelling of Proton launcher, which began on schedule at 04:31 CET, completed

04:50 CET: State Commission gives green light for launch. Weather prediction OK: cloudy, possibility some rain.

Updates from previous days below

13 March: L-12 hours: TGO-switch on and telemetry link established; L-10:48: TGO battery charging completed.

12 March: ESA mission control completes dress rehearsal for launch. Full story

11 March: Roll out completed, launcher in vertical position on the pad Images and video (see also our ExoMars Flickr stream).

10 March: Filling of Breeze upper stage completed as planned

9 March: Integrated launch vehicle at the fuelling station in Baikonur for fuelling of Breeze upper stage

5 March: Spacecraft composite is mated with the Proton launch vehicle. Full report and images

2 March: Breeze upper stage and ExoMars composite are encapsulated within the two fairing halves of the Proton launcher. Full report and images

29 February: ExoMars spacecraft composite is mated with the launch vehicle adapter and installed on top of the Breeze upper stage. Full report and images.

21/22 February: ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter is fuelled. Full report and images

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