Guidance, navigation & control
Up to now guidance, navigation and control rely on widely used and mastered technologies such as star tracker, gyrometers, thrusters, reaction wheels, etc.
Mars Sample Return and future cargo or manned missions will involve both precision landing and rendezvous into Martian orbit. Those capabilities stress the use of new GNC technologies and techniques involving LIDARs and newer control algorithms.
In the long-term, performances of precision landing and rendezvous would be greatly enhanced and a sustainable approach would be fostered whether a GPS-like system would be set up.
Click on an activity below to read a summary of the purpose and scope of this activity. Where possible, the final summary report of any completed activities can be obtained here.
ExoMars Specific
Mars Sample Return Specific
• Lidar-based relative navigation, guidance and control technologies
• Planetary ascent vehicle navigation, guidance and control system
• Robust online control customisation techniques for planetary space vehicle
• Preliminary design of terrestrial demonstration for planetary lander navigation technologies
Generic Exploration Technologies