ESA title
Astronaut Michael Barratt
Science & Exploration

Michael Barratt

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / OasISS Mission

Expedition 19/20 Flight Engineer

This was NASA astronaut Michael Barratt’s first space mission. Born on 16 April 1959, Michael is married and has five children.

In 1992 he was assigned as NASA Flight Surgeon working in Space Shuttle Medical Operations, and in 1994 on the joint US/Russian Shuttle – Mir Program.

From July 95 through July 98, he served as Medical Operations Lead for the International Space Station and thereafter served as lead crew surgeon for the first Expedition Crew until selected as an astronaut candidate.

He was launched to the Space Station on Soyuz TMA-14 on 26 March 2009 together with Gennady Padalka and spaceflight participant Charles Simonyi. He returned on Soyuz TMA-14 on 11 October.

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