ESA title
Science & Exploration

Astronaut or cosmonaut?

1163 views 9 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Language 2 star


  • What does the word “astronaut” mean? It is composed of two elements (or syllables?), “astro” and “naut”. Can you find out what these words mean? What does “astro” mean? What does “naut” mean? Together they make up the word “astronaut”.
  • Think of another word containing “astro” and try to work out what it means from its component parts.
  • The French word “internaute” is made of two components: “Internet” and “naut”. Guess what it means?
  • In the same way as you defined the word “astronaut”, find the meaning of “cosmonaut”. Do you know in which country the word cosmonaut is used instead of astronaut?
  • In French the word astronaut is “spationaute”. What does it mean?