ESA title
Science & Exploration

PROJECT: Space drama, puppet theatre ‘Chloé in the Moon’

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

NB: “Chloé in the Moon” is the translation of a French expression “Chloé dans la Lune” which means “Chloe is dreaming”…

Chloé in the Moon

Read the beginning and the end of this fairy tale. Imagine what happens in the middle…

What is it like on the Moon? Does Chloé enjoy herself up there? Who lives there? What do they look like? What do they do? What happens to Chloé during her visit to the Moon? Does she make new friends? Why does she decide to come back?

Chloé is a small girl living in a happy family. She is very imaginative… her mind often flies off to dream worlds.

This Sunday, Chloé had lunch at her grandparents’ place together with her mum, dad and small sister. She is very happy because the rest of the family was there as well and they all played a lot together!

In fact, the day has been very nice but Chloé is a bit tired now… After dinner, her eyes begin to stare into the distance and a voice in the background says… “Chloé? Chloé? Are you in the moon???”

The puppet theatre opens its door, and inside, on a moon scene background appears the puppet “Chloé” in her moon suit…











The puppets theatre closes its door, the Moon disappears and we can listen to Chloé’s answer. “Yes, I think so… do you know what happened there?”.

The adventures of Chloé…
Chloé is a dreamer… She has already made many trips around the Universe – in her mind at least! … Can you imagine what happens to her when…

On Monday, Chloé is visiting the Universe
She meets a comet, falls into a black hole, she sees the birth of a star, …

On Tuesday, Chloé visits Venus, the planet of love
The life on Venus is so different, people always kiss each other before they talk… and not only the first time they meet but before each sentence…

On Wednesday, Chloé makes new friends on Mars
The Martians are so shy that when Chloé lands on Mars she doesn’t see the sweet small green beings hiding behind the rocks… But they are there looking at her…

On Thursday, Chloé is an extraterrestrial (ET) and she discovers the Earth for the very first time
Chloé’s friends have told her that the Earth is a beautiful destination for holidays…. She is now getting closer to the surface of the blue planet…

On Friday, Chloé visits the Solar System
Chloé is very lucky today; it is the first time she plays in the lottery and guess what? She wins the first prize: a trip to visit all the planets of the Solar System…

On Saturday, Chloé enters in the Sun
Chloé is on the beach playing in the sand. The day is so warm. Chloe looks at the Sun and what is her surprise when she sees that the Sun is also looking at her. He has a big smile on his face… “Would you like to visit me? He asks…


Write a story
Join in group of 4. Each group comes up with a different adventure of Chloé and creates its particular decor depending on the story they come up with. All the stories should begin and end like the fairy tale “Chloé in the Moon”, but Chloé living different adventures each time…

Build up a puppet theatre
Have a look at the worksheet on “Do It Yourself plans: Puppets Theatre” and ask your teacher to help you to build it up! One puppet theatre should be enough for the whole class. If you prefer, you can also prepare very nice puppets theatre with cardboard boxes, like

Prepare the decor
Because all the stories begin and end up like the fairy tale “Chloé in the Moon”, the outside part of the theatre can be decorated with a decor in which you see a small girl having dinner with her family, and be the same for all groups.

On the contrary, each group should prepare the inside part of the décor depending on their particular story. The theatre is designed to fit exactly four pages. Your group can therefore colour its decor on four white pages and put it on the theatre for your show. If you prefer, you can also look for nice images on Internet and print them in colour to use them in your decor.

Make your own space puppets
Each group creates their own puppets depending on the story they come up with. You can have a look at the following websites to get some hints for making the puppets:

Play your space drama
After some days of rehearsal, your class is ready to present its “space show”.

And now, it is time for the show…

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