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05/10/2011 662 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Herschel

Notes to editors
HIFI is the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared spectrometer on the Herschel Space Observatory. It was designed to observe water in a wide variety of objects, and aims to study not only planet-forming discs and star formation, but also galactic evolution. Its capability for highly detailed chemical identification of individual atoms and molecules makes it the instrument of choice for studying chemistry throughout space, particularly around embryonic and dying stars.

Related publications
M. Hogerheijde, et al., "Detection of the Water Reservoir in a Forming Planetary System", 2011, Science, Vol. 334 no. 6054 pp. 338-340. DOI: 10.1126/science.1208931

05 Oct 2011 - Herschel finds first evidence of Earth-like water in a comet


Markus Bauer
ESA Science and Robotic Exploration Communication Officer
Tel: +31 71 565 6799
Mob: +31 61 594 3 954

Michiel Hogerheijde
Leiden Observatory
Tel: +31 71 527 5590

Göran Pilbratt
ESA Herschel Project Scientist
Tel: +31 71 565 3621

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