ESA title

The mission

Gaia is creating an extraordinarily precise three-dimensional map of more than a thousand million stars throughout our Milky Way galaxy and beyond, mapping their motions, luminosity, temperature and composition. This huge stellar census will provide the data needed to tackle an enormous range of important questions related to the origin, structure and evolutionary history of our galaxy.


  • Launch: 19 December 2013
  • Orbit: L2 Lagrange point
  • Previous data release milestones:
    Data Release 1: 14 September 2016
    Data Release 2: 25 April 2018
    Early Data Release 3: 3 December 2020
    Data Release 3: 13 June 2022
    Focused Product Release: 10 October 2023
Science & Exploration

Scientists spot hidden companions of bright stars

20/06/2024 1990 views 12 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia: Milky Way’s last major collision was surprisingly rec…

06/06/2024 4937 views 39 likes
Science & Exploration

Sailing among the stars – Gaia's role in discovering distan…

22/04/2024 2051 views 15 likes
Science & Exploration

Sleeping giant surprises Gaia scientists

16/04/2024 30064 views 64 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia unravels the ancient threads of the Milky Way

21/03/2024 13307 views 52 likes
Gaia observes the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Gaia’s decade of discoveries: unravelling the intricacies o…

19/12/2023 6371 views 90 likes
Science & Exploration

New Gaia release reveals rare lenses, cluster cores and unf…

10/10/2023 22795 views 94 likes
Science & Exploration

Wobbling star found in Gaia-Hipparcos data confirmed to hos…

13/04/2023 9273 views 139 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia discovers a new family of black holes

30/03/2023 35360 views 165 likes
Gaia mapping the stars of the Milky Way
Enabling & Support

Amateur astronomers needed: help classify stars with Gaia's…

21/03/2023 14848 views 238 likes
Setup for occultation observation
Enabling & Support

Shadow hunters capture Didymos asteroid eclipsing stars

20/10/2022 4262 views 80 likes
The Sun's future
Science & Exploration

Gaia reveals the past and future of the Sun

11/08/2022 34317 views 189 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia sees strange stars in most detailed Milky Way survey t…

13/06/2022 78131 views 173 likes
Gaia observes the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Watch live: first impressions of Gaia data release 3

10/06/2022 7140 views 104 likes
New evidence of watery plumes on Jupiter’s moon Europa
Science & Exploration

Jupiter’s moon Europa to obscure distant star

07/06/2022 6846 views 120 likes
Science & Exploration

Media invitation: new details about our Milky Way in the th…

31/05/2022 2868 views 61 likes
The colour of the sky from Gaia’s Early Data Release 3
Science & Exploration

Gaia finds parts of the Milky Way much older than expected

23/03/2022 20805 views 132 likes
Gaia snaps photo of Webb
Science & Exploration

Gaia snaps photo of Webb at L2

16/03/2022 29245 views 136 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia reveals that most Milky Way companion galaxies are new…

24/11/2021 12586 views 165 likes
Science & Exploration

Is the nearest star cluster to the Sun being destroyed?

24/03/2021 17913 views 122 likes
Gaia’s stellar motion for the next 400 thousand years
Science & Exploration

Gaia’s new data takes us to the Milky Way’s anticentre and …

03/12/2020 121241 views 396 likes
Science & Exploration

Five fascinating Gaia revelations about the Milky Way

21/09/2020 12007 views 115 likes
Gaia mapping the stars of the Milky Way
Space Safety

Gaia revolutionises asteroid tracking

01/07/2020 6351 views 88 likes
Science & Exploration

Galactic crash may have triggered Solar System formation

25/05/2020 24568 views 139 likes
The warped disc of our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Science & Exploration

Milky Way’s warp caused by galactic collision, Gaia suggests

02/03/2020 17776 views 113 likes
Stellar pair discovered in Gaia16aye microlensing event
Science & Exploration

Global Gaia campaign reveals secrets of stellar pair

21/01/2020 5332 views 36 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia untangles the starry strings of the Milky Way

28/08/2019 10591 views 127 likes
Jupiter's largest moons
Science & Exploration

Astronomers spy Europa blocking distant star – thanks to Ga…

25/07/2019 10352 views 125 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia starts mapping our galaxy’s bar

16/07/2019 8880 views 100 likes
Gaia mapping the stars of the Milky Way
Enabling & Support

Gaia’s biggest operation since launch

15/07/2019 9965 views 144 likes
Pinpointing Gaia from Earth
Science & Exploration

Observing Gaia from Earth to improve its star maps

02/05/2019 6514 views 87 likes
Future motions of the Milky Way, Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies
Science & Exploration

Gaia clocks new speeds for Milky Way-Andromeda collision

07/02/2019 26104 views 175 likes
Artist’s impression of crystallisation in white dwarf
Science & Exploration

Gaia reveals how Sun-like stars turn solid after their demi…

09/01/2019 13284 views 161 likes
A major event in the formation of the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Galactic ghosts: Gaia uncovers major event in the formation…

31/10/2018 25883 views 189 likes
Sprinting stars in the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Gaia spots stars flying between galaxies

02/10/2018 20538 views 185 likes
Artist impression of ‘Oumuamua
Science & Exploration

Gaia finds candidates for interstellar ‘Oumuamua’s home

25/09/2018 10126 views 113 likes
Perturbations in the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Gaia hints at our Galaxy’s turbulent life

19/09/2018 24303 views 197 likes
Beta Pictoris system
Science & Exploration

Infant exoplanet weighed by Hipparcos and Gaia

20/08/2018 8413 views 132 likes
Gaia’s sky in colour
Science & Exploration

Gaia creates richest star map of our Galaxy – and beyond

25/04/2018 461219 views 539 likes
How many stars will there be in the second Gaia data release?
Science & Exploration

Call for media: Second data release from ESA's Gaia mission

19/04/2018 4854 views 28 likes
Science & Exploration

Close encounters of the stellar kind

31/08/2017 16070 views 112 likes
Stars speeding through the Galaxy
Science & Exploration

Artificial brain helps Gaia catch speeding stars

26/06/2017 8701 views 83 likes
Science & Exploration

The future of the Orion constellation

09/06/2017 34981 views 178 likes
Gaia’s first sky map
Science & Exploration

Gaia’s billion-star map hints at treasures to come

14/09/2016 161683 views 398 likes
Gaia mapping the stars of the Milky Way
Science & Exploration

Call for media: First data release from ESA's Gaia mission

01/09/2016 3369 views 35 likes
Rosetta comet seen by Gaia
Science & Exploration

Celebrity comet spotted among Gaia’s stars

03/11/2015 5387 views 70 likes
Stellar density map
Science & Exploration

Gaia's first year of scientific observations

25/08/2015 18361 views 156 likes
Stellar density map
Science & Exploration

Counting stars with Gaia

03/07/2015 17813 views 118 likes
Artist's impression of Type Ia supernova
Science & Exploration

Gaia discovers its first supernova

12/09/2014 21499 views 143 likes
Science & Exploration

Gaia: ‘Go’ for science

29/07/2014 10652 views 91 likes
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