New findings from Titan and Mars
Results from Huygens and Mars Express released today, coinciding with online publication in Nature and Science, are available now on:
The presentations include a set of new wide-ranging results from the Huygens probe’s two-and-a-half hour descent and landing, part of the extraordinary NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and its moons.
At the same time, ESA’s Mars Express mission is continuing its investigations of Mars, painting a new picture of the 'Red Planet'. This includes the first-ever probing below the surface of Mars, new geological clues with implications for the climate, newly-discovered surface and atmospheric features and, above all, traces of the presence of water ice on this world.
These and other exciting findings from the last year of observations and data analysis are the focus of today's press conference being held at ESA Headquarters in Paris at 16:00 CET.