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Science & Exploration

Rosetta Legacy – Competition rules

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Rosetta

By entering this competition, you agree to the following:

Ownership, original works
Participants certify that their submission is their original work, and that they have full legal right to use any portion that is not their original work. If submitting a photo/video/audio file, participants certify that they have the permission of anyone identifiably shown/heard in the submission.

The text/image/video/audio file will remain the property of the submitter and they will retain copyright, but by submitting a text/photo/video/audio file, participants grant ESA and its partner Agencies permanent permission to publish the text/photo/video/audio file via any channel at any time on a non-profit basis for the purpose of promoting the Rosetta mission and this competition, with proper credit and without remuneration.

The participant’s name, home town, and social media names may also be published by ESA and re-published by media. Participants must also accept Tumblr’s Terms of subscription.

The rules may be updated or added to without notice, reflecting any questions we receive to clarify rules. Dates may change due to unforeseen events out of our control. The competition is run on a best-effort basis. The jury’s decision is final and no correspondence shall be entered into to discuss the final winners.

How do I enter the competition?
How old do I need to be to enter?
I don’t live in Europe; can I still enter?
Does my entry need to be in English?
If I work for ESA or a Rosetta mission partner space agency, can I enter?
Will I get an e-mail acknowledgement that my entry has been received?
Are there any restrictions on the subject of the submission?
What are the opening and closing dates of the competition?
How will the spot-prize winners be chosen?
When will I receive my prize?
How will the main prize winner be chosen and when will I know if I won?
If I win the main prize, how will it be organized and is there anything I need to consider?
What does the main prize of a trip to ESTEC actually mean?
I won a prize in one of your previous Rosetta competitions; can I still win a prize here?
Will the winners be announced on ESA channels?
I have a question about the campaign, how do I get in touch?

How do I enter the competition?
Use the Rosetta Legacy tumblr to make your submission. You don't need to have a Tumblr account to participate: just enter your name and email address on the Submit page. You may choose the type of contribution (text, photo, video, link, quote) from the dropdown menu on the left. Do not submit entries in any other way (e.g. via this blog or any ESA social media account), as these submissions will not be considered.

How old do I need to be to enter?
Anyone of any age can enter, but if you are under 18 we assume that you have permission from your parent or legal guardian. Please note that if the winner of the top prize is under 18, an adult must accompany them on the visit to ESTEC.

I don’t live in Europe; can I still enter?
Yes. Anyone in the world can enter and will have a chance of winning one of the spot prizes. However, the top prize of the trip to ESTEC can only be awarded to someone who is a citizen of, or a regular permanent resident of, an ESA Member State, an ESA Cooperating State, an EU Member State, or the United States of America.

ESA Member and Cooperating States:
EU Member States:

Does my entry need to be in English?
No, you are welcome to submit your entry in any official language of an ESA Member State. However, primary communication about the competition will be in English.

If I work for ESA or a Rosetta mission partner space agency, can I enter?
While they are welcome to make submissions, ESA or Rosetta mission partner agency staff members and contractors working on site at these establishments, and their immediate families residing with them, are not eligible to receive prizes.

Will I get an e-mail acknowledgement that my entry has been received?
No, there will be no e-mail acknowledgement that your entry has been received. The Rosetta Legacy tumblr will be moderated at least once a day during weekdays. Depending on the volume of entries, it is our aim that all contributions deemed appropriate by the moderators will appear on the tumblr within one day after submission. Those contributions submitted on Saturdays and Sundays will appear on the tumblr on the Monday of the following week.

Are there any restrictions on the subject of the submission?
You can be as creative as you like, as long as you describe your experience related to the mission of Rosetta and Philae to Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Submissions found to be inappropriate on religious, racial, gender, political, or other grounds will be declared ineligible, without appeal or recourse, and will not be published on the Rosetta Legacy tumblr.

What are the opening and closing dates of the competition?
Submissions can be received from 6 September until 18:00 CEST on 7 October 2016. Only those entries received before 23:59 CEST on 21 September will be considered for showcasing during the live programme of Rosetta’s end-of-mission event on 30 September.

How will the spot-prize winners be chosen?
The winners of the Rosetta-Philae plush toys will be chosen by members of our communication, outreach, and education team, taking into account a variety of factors, including the creativity, ingenuity, and authenticity of the submissions.

When will I receive my prize?
We will notify the spot prize winners via email and as soon as we have your contact details, we will prepare the prize pack to be sent out – please allow around a week for delivery, depending on your location.

How will the main prize winner be chosen and when will I know if I won?
All entries received before 18:00 CEST on 7 October2016 will be considered for the main prize of a visit to ESTEC, ESA's technical heart in the Netherlands. The selection will be made by members of our communication, outreach, and education team, taking into account a variety of factors, including the creativity, ingenuity, and authenticity of the submissions. The winner will be notified by late October 2016.

If I win the main prize, how will it be organized and is there anything I need to consider?
You will be contacted by ESA by late October 2016. The prize will be a grant of up to 1000 Euros that you can claim back upon presentation of receipts. You must be able to provide your bank account details to receive the grant. The grant is redeemable against travel to and from Noordwijk and up to 2 nights accommodation only; all other expenses (e.g. food, additional nights stay) are at your own expense. It will be your responsibility to book and pay for travel and hotels in the first instance, and to arrange visas and travel insurance as required. We will provide you guidance on where to stay and how to get to ESTEC.

The visit to ESTEC can be arranged starting from November 2016.

If you are under 18 and are being accompanied by an adult, then we will provide an additional grant of the same value to cover the cost of the travel/accommodation of the accompanying adult, along with additional access to ESTEC, upon presentation of valid identification.

What does the main prize of a trip to ESTEC actually mean?
Your prize entitles you to a special visit to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), ESA's technical 'heart' located in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The visit will last a full day, with possibilities to meet scientists and engineers working on ESA missions and to visit the on-site science, engineering, and technology facilities. The visit can be arranged starting from November 2016. An ESA member of staff will meet you at a pre-determined time and will be on-hand to show you around and answer any questions. Entry will only be granted to ESTEC if you bring valid identification – a passport or a national identity card is a must. There is ground-floor access for wheel-chair users.

I won a prize in one of your previous Rosetta competitions; can I still win a prize here?
Winners of the top prizes in the “Wake up, Rosetta!”, “Rosetta, Are We There Yet?” or “Name J” competitions are not eligible to win the top prize this time, although are eligible to win a spot prize. We would certainly like to hear if your experience of winning a prize in a previous competition has influenced you in any way!

Will the winners be announced on ESA channels?
The spot prizes will be announced via our social media channels (primarily Facebook and Twitter) and on the Rosetta Legacy tumblr. We will also contact you directly by the email address you provided in your submission. The top prize winner will be announced on the ESA Rosetta blog, as well as via our social media channels on the tumblr.

I have a question about the campaign, how do I get in touch?
Send an email to, and we’ll try to answer within 24 hours.

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