ESA title
Clean Space Roadmap
Space Safety

Road maps for Clean Space

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ESA / Space Safety / Clean Space

The Clean Space initiative  is built upon a host of studies and technical activities carried out over in past years by ESA, Member States, the EU and the wider world. In particular, ESA’s General Study Programme (GSP) has played a leading role in the preparation of the Clean Space initiative by conducting technical analyses to identify knowledge-gaps, which can then be addressed through specific technical and scientific studies. 

Implementing the Clean Space initiative is based around four distinct branches:

1. Eco-design
2. Green technologies
3. Space Debris mitigation
4. Technologies for space debris remediation









Technology development roadmaps of these four branches have according been developed and discussed with industry and delegations during dedicated workshops. The resulting technology activities are being implemented through different ESA technology programmes such as the Basic Technology Research Programme (TRP) and General Support Technology Programme (GSTP). And within GSTP a specific Clean Space working area has been created within the programme’s Element 1. 

In 2013, ESA’s Industrial Policy Committee approved the Clean Space GSTP-6 Element 1 Work Plan and its associated procurement plan. This workplan is composed of 13 activities (Branch 1: 2 activities; Branch 2: 3 activities, Branch 3: 6 activities; Branch 4: 2 activities). A number of these activities are already supported by delegations and Invitations to Tender (ITT) have been published. Five other activities have been approved within the TRP Work Plan 2014-2015: Work and Procurement Plan 2014 (Branch 2: 2 activities; Branch 3: 2 activities; Branch 4: 1 activity).

The road maps are constantly evolving to match the best interests of industry and Member States in Clean Space activities.