ESA title
Space Safety


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ESA / Space Safety / Hera

CUBATA (GMV, Sapienza University of Rome, INTA). Two CubeSats measure the asteroid system’s gravity field pre- and post-impact through Doppler tracking of the two CubeSats, as well as performing close range imaging of the impact event.

This double Cubesat design could have one of the cubesats actually land on Didymoon and the other one deployed at around 3 km of Didymoon's surface. Depending on the payload the Cubesats could offer seismology measurements during the impact and they may be able to determine the velocity field of the ejecta plume.

Specifications of the payload:


  • Field of view: 15°
  • Resolution: 1m at 3 km


  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL): 3-6
  • S-band
  • Ultra-stable oscillator

Specifications of the design:

  • Units: 2 × 3U
  • Size: 100x100x340 mm (per 3U)
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Power generation: 6.5W-14.2W
  • Heritage: OPTO
  • Solar panels: 2 deployable
  • Propulsion: 3.6 m/s delta-v
  • Attitude control: 3-axis stabilised

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