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Space Safety

Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre

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ESA / Space Safety / Planetary Defence

ESA’s Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre (NEOCC) is the operational heart of the Agency’s Planetary Defence Office.

Asteroid 2022 AE1 observed with the Calar Alto Schmidt telescope in Spain
Asteroid 2022 AE1 observed with the Calar Alto Schmidt telescope in Spain

Based at ESA's ESRIN site in Frascati, Italy, the NEOCC is the central access point to an entire network of European near-Earth object data sources and information providers.

Every day, the coordination centre uses this information, gathered from across the globe, to provide orbital information, impact monitoring, data provision and risk analysis.

Its aim is to contribute to and coordinate observations of small bodies in the Solar System – such as asteroids and comets – to evaluate and monitor the threat posed by those that come near Earth, and propose mitigation measures if needed, (for example to emergency response agencies in case of an imminent impact).

ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary
ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary

The Coordination Centre is also the focus point for studies aiming to improve near-Earth object warning services, needed to give near-real-time data and alerts to European and international customers, including scientific bodies, international organisations and decision-makers.

The Centre maintains a website with the latest information on asteroid populations and statistics, upcoming close asteroid flybys, ESA's asteroid risk list and much more.

A new home for Planetary Defence in Europe
A new home for Planetary Defence in Europe

The NEOCC and the Planetary Defence Office are integral parts of the ESA's Space Safety Programme, which works to understand, avoid and mitigate hazards from space and protect our Pale Blue Dot, its inhabitants, and the vital infrastructure on which our modern lives have become dependent.

These hazards include possible collisions between satellites or space debris in orbit, harmful space weather and potential impacts by natural objects, such as asteroids, that cross Earth’s orbit around the Sun.


Richard Moissl
Head, Planetary Defence Office
ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Tel:  +39 337 141 3570

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