ESA title


Space Safety

Space weather and its hazards

9818 views 38 likes
ESA has signed a contract with Hemeria worth €9.8 million to design, build and operate Swing, the Agency’s first space weather nanosatellite mission. Swing will aim at demonstrating the value of nanosatellites to gather space weather data and support the commercialisation trend in the New Space era.
Space Safety

Hemeria to implement ESA’s first space weather nanosatellit…

20/11/2024 957 views 7 likes
Gaia mapping the stars of the Milky Way
Enabling & Support

Double trouble: Gaia hit by micrometeoroid and solar storm

17/07/2024 23626 views 181 likes
Vigil warns Earth
Space Safety

Airbus to build ESA’s Vigil space weather forecasting missi…

22/05/2024 4543 views 11 likes
Aurora near Frankfurt, Germany, May 2024
Space Safety

The May 2024 solar storm: your questions answered

17/05/2024 22614 views 60 likes
Solar flare captured by ESA’s Proba-2 SWAP

SMOS and Swarm team up to spot huge solar storm

26/03/2024 22248 views 23 likes

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