ESA title
Space Safety

Name The Mission – The Rules

9249 views 51 likes
ESA / Space Safety / Space weather


  • The contest is open from 17 May 2021 until 5 September 2021 23:59 (CEST).
  • The contest is open to nationals of ESA Member, Cooperating and Associate States; the European Union; Argentina, Australia; and, ISS partner countries, except for:
    • Staff of ESA, its suppliers, its contractors, and
    • Members of the immediate families or households of (a) above.
  • Submitting names to ESA's No-Name Mission contest, including accepting the terms & conditions and privacy notice, must be done in English.
  • Minors must provide a completed and signed parental permission form.
  • Only individual submissions will be considered valid.
  • Participants must agree with the privacy notice and provide to ESA their name and email address.
  • The winning submitted name will become the official name of ESA’s new space weather mission.
  • No more than one submission per email address.
  • If several participants submit the same winning mission name, then the one who first submitted it chronologically by filling in the contest form online will be considered the winner.
  • The proposed name must:
    • Reflect the mission’s aims and goals
    • Not reuse/repeat a past, current or proposed space mission, whether from ESA or any another organisation
    • Not infringe on any copyright or trademark
    • Not be a proper noun (e.g. ‘Bondi Beach’ ‘Sunday’ ‘Paris’). Classic proper names (e.g. mythological names ‘Mercury’ and ‘Sol’) are OK
    • Name must be maximum three words, no special symbols

Winner Selection

  • There will be one single winner.
  • The winner will receive a voucher for ESA’s Space Shop.
  • If several participants submit the same winning mission name, the first person to submit the entry by filling in the online contest form will be considered the winner.
  • The winner will be selected around November 2021 and notified/announced soon after.
  • You can find more information about the mission.