Agency 2023 in Bildern 22/12/2023 596 views 5 likes ESA / Space in Member States / Germany New ESA astronaut candidates start basic training Full Earth disc from the Meteosat Third Generation Imager Stage set: dress rehearsal for Juice launch complete Launch of the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) Juice says goodbye to Earth Andreas Mogensen enters the Space Station Aurora over Wales ESA Council at Ministerial level at the Space Summit 2023 Ariane 6 in the distance during combined hot fire test ESA in miniature Mars Express images combined to produce global Mars in colour Türkiye–Syria earthquake interferogram New Galileo station goes on duty Webb images Uranus Crew module being stacked over the service module below it to form the Orion vehicle for Artemis II Assisting reentry for Aeolus Larissa flooding Hera inside the LEAF acoustic chamber Solar Orbiter finds that small-scale magnetism leads to large-scale solar atmosphere The future’s magnetic pull Astronauts using the Artemis lunar camera EarthCARE being lowered in the Large Space Simulator Islands of Dogs BepiColombo images Mercury during its third of six gravity assist flybys Webb captures detailed beauty of Ring Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI images) 3D-printed bend-based mechanism Temperature of the surface of the land 17 July 2023 Euclid pre-launch briefing complete at ESA's mission control Euclid’s view of the Perseus cluster of galaxies Like Thank you for liking You have already liked this page, you can only like it once!