ESA title

Scheduled Programme (Version: May 08)

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ESA / Space in Member States / Germany

Tuesday, May 27th: Climate and Environmental Management

13:45: Admission

14:00: Conference Opening
Patron: Mr. J. Homann (Administrative Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology)

  • Welcome Address DLR (Prof. J.D. Wörner, Chairman, DLR)
  • Welcome Address BDLI (Mr. E. Dudok, Chairman of BDLI - Forum Space flight, BDLI)
  • Outline of ESA EO-Activities (Dr. V. Liebig, Director of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA)
  • Outline of Germany’s EO Capabilities (Mr. C. Hohage, Director Space Projects, German Space Agency)

14:50: Climate & Environmental Management – Demands
Key Note Address / Guest Speaker

  • Prof. H. Graßl “Earth Observation from Space for Sustainable Development” (Former Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
  • Mr. W. Lück “South Africa’s Earth Observation Requirements” (Satellite Applications Centre, SAC)
  • Dr. U. Ebel „Cat Business – support from space“(Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Swiss Re)
  • Dr. S. Briggs “A new ESA initiative in Climate Change” (European Space Agency, ESA)

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 : Climate & Environmental Management – Solutions
Selected representatives will present existing technological solutions to highlight their benefits, to be followed by a moderated discussion about future demands and technological requirements.

  • “EnMAP – Hyperspectral data for the environment monitoring”
    Dr. T. Stuffler (Kayser-Threde)
  • “Highresolution and 3D optical remote sensing solutions”
    Mr. T. Walati (Zeiss-Optronics GmbH)
  • „Benefits of local satellite tasking and near realtime datadownlink”
    Mr. A. Zevenbergen (European Space Imaging)
  • “Geo-information services for directives and policies driven environmental reporting”
    Mr. J. Herrmann (Infoterra)
  • “Earth Observation and Global Change: ASSIST - Advanced Service Centre for Risk Prevention and Crisis Management in Mountainous Areas”
    Dr. P. Scheidgen (VCS AG)
  • “Earth Observation for improved water/land use management – experiences from Africa and Arabia“
    Dr. T. Wever (GAF AG)

17:15: Forum Discussion: Solutions Today – Solutions Tomorrow

Moderated dialogue with the audience

17:45: Conclusion

18:30: Conference Reception at the ILA-Conference Center

Wednesday, May 28th: Civil Security & Disaster Management

09:15: Admission

09:30: Opening Remarks

Civil Security & Disaster Management – Demands
Key Note Address / Guest Speaker

  • Dr. I. Schwaetzer (German Committee for Disaster Reduction, DKKV)
  • Mr. B. Routledge (European Union Satellite Centre, EUSC)
  • Mrs. D. Al Khudhairy “Disaster Management – Staying ahead of the game” (Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, IPSC)
  • Dr. J. Bequignon “The increasing demand for geo information for rapid response: a European perspective” (European Space Agency, ESA)

10:30: Civil Security & Disaster Management – Solutions
Selected representatives will present examples of integrated approaches to Security and Disaster Management. On the basis of these presentations possible assistance strategies for rapid relief and risk reduction programmes will be discussed.

  • “TerraSAR System Evolution - Toward New Applications”
    Mr. B. Fladt (EADS-Astrium)
  • “Fast Emergency Response & Maritime Security”
    Mr. B. Penné (OHB-System AG)
  • “Monitoring and managing food supply“
    Dr. F. Jung-Rothenhäusler (RapidEye)
  • “Civil security solutions- an overview of applicable EO data sources, optical and SAR”
    Mr. B. Saint Guilhem (Euromap)
  • “Rapid Mapping Services and Applications for Emergency Response”
    Dr. G. Strunz (DLR)

11:35: Coffee break

11:50: Forum Discussion: How close are we to fully operational solutions?
Moderated dialogue with the audience

12:20: Conference Conclusions and Farewell (Mr. Reiter, Executive Board member DLR)

12:30: Opportunity to visit the ILA - Space Day