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| | | | | | Simulators
Simulator environment A simulator environment enables levels of debugging and testing that are not readily available on real hardware. A simulator can offer:
–greater availability: early production hardware is often available in very limited quantities or is expensive. The simulator allows a greater number of embedded software developers to access the tools they need to write and test software.
–more control: the simulator can be easily stopped, reconfigured, and rerun. The system state can be saved and restored. This is not easy on real hardware.
–increased debugging ability: the simulator provides a debugging environment that is not possible to create on real hardware. The simulator can show internal state of devices revealing information that cannot be captured with a logic probe. The simulator also provides more debugging control (with the use of breakpoints, for example) that is not possible on real hardware.
–increased stability: early prototype hardware may have bugs or be unstable. The simulator enables comparative testing on early prototype hardware so that hardware bugs are easier to identify.
SPARC instruction simulator (SIS) SIS(sis-3.0.5, 07-07-1999)
is a SPARC instruction simulator developed at ESTEC.
This simulator emulates an ERC32 system, containing the IU, FPU, MEC, up to 16 Mbyte ROM and up to 32 Mbyte RAM. Typical performance is 2 MIPS on a 400 MHz Pentium PC. Binaries for solaris-2.5 and Linux are available on the right menu.
TSIM TSIM is a commercial product from Gaisler Research running on Linux, Linux-64, Solaris, Windows. It features cycle-true emulation of ERC32 and LEON2/3 processors, performance up to 30 MIPS on high-end PC (Xeon@3.2GHz ),
non-intrusive execution time profiling, code coverage monitoring and
MMU emulation (LEON2/LEON3).
LSVE LSVE (Leon Software Validation Environment) is a commercial product from SpaceBel. It features extensive code coverage, trace history and verification mechanisms, full visibility on hardware and software context and on local bus transfer, error and interrupt injection capabilities, and support for Save and Restore of hardware and software context. It requires executable to have initialization code (ELF files must pass through mkprom).
SHAM SHAM boards are a line of products for MA31750, ERC32 and LEON processor. They feature real target processor in the simulation loop, accessibility of all target CPU resources from the host, simulated Real Time (the Target CPU is suspended and its time reference is frozen while simulations run), breakpoint flags on target memory, activation of simulation models by breakpoints on I/O, memory or time.
The last version, currently in development by Astrium, Saab and Terma, features hardware in the loop LEON2 simulator. Last update: 23 July 2008 | |
| | More information SIS User Manual (pdf)SIS downloadGaisler ResearchSpaceBel