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The PSS family of standards was the ESA internal set of standards which was replaced by ECSS. It inluded a software engineering standard and a set of guides. BSSC Software Engineering Books The PSS knowledge was also translated in a less ESA specific style into books:
"Software Engineering Standards" contains the Software Engineering Standards (PSS-05-0) of the European Space Agency (ESA),
modified to remove ESA-specific terminology. This generalised version was produced through ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme.
The authors are:
Carlo Mazza, Jon Fairclough, Bryan Melton, Daniel de Pablo, Adriaan Scheffer, Richard Stevens.
Publisher : Prentice-Hall International (UK) Ltd.
First published 1994
ISBN 0-13-106568-8
"Software Engineering Guides" contains the Software Engineering Guides (PSS-05-01 to PSS-05-11) of the European Space Agency (ESA),
modified to remove ESA-specific terminology. This generalised version was produced through ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme.
The authors are:
Carlo Mazza, Jon Fairclough, Bryan Melton, Daniel de Pablo, Adriaan Scheffer, Richard Stevens, Michael Jones, Gianfranco Alvisi.
Publisher : Prentice-Hall International (UK) Ltd.
First published 1996
ISBN 0-13-449281-1
Last update: 22 August 2006 | |
| | BSSC PSS Software Engineering Standards ESA Software Engineering Standards, PSS-05-0 (pdf)BSSC PSS Software Engineering Guides Guide to applying the ESA Software Engineering Standards to small software projects, BSSC(96)2 (pdf)Guide to the Software Engineering Standards, PSS-05-01 (pdf)Guide to the user requirements definition phase, PSS-05-02 (pdf)Guide to the software requirements definition phase, PSS-05-03 (pdf)Guide to the software architectural design phase, PSS-05-04 (pdf)Guide to the software detailed design and production phase, PSS-05-05 (pdf)Guide to the software tansfer phase, PSS-05-06 (pdf)Guide to the software operations and maintenance phase, PSS-05-07 (pdf)Guide to software project management, PSS-05-08 (pdf)Guide to software configuration management, PSS-05-09 (pdf)Guide to software verification and validation, PSS-05-10 (pdf)Guide to software quality assurance, PSS-05-11 (pdf)