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description: Comets and Asteroids (121 VIDEOS)
- Patrick Michel: Could we deflect an asteroid?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:47
- Clips: 0
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- Andrea Pellacani: ¿Quién participa en las actividades de defensa planetaria a nivel mundial?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:21
- Clips: 0
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- Marco Micheli: Di cosa sono fatti gli asteroidi?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:06
- Clips: 0
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- Luca Parmitano: Nel film Armageddon, Bruce Willis distrugge un asteroide in avvicinamento con un'esplosione nucleare. Potremmo veramente fare questo per proteggere il nostro pianeta?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:16
- Clips: 0
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- Naomi Murdoch: Qu'est-ce que ça ferait de se retrouver à la surface d'un astéroïde?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:23
- Clips: 0
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- Naomi Murdoch: What would it be like to be on the surface of an asteroid?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:28
- Clips: 0
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- Julia de León: What makes an asteroid risky? What is a Near-Earth object?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:00:56
- Clips: 0
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- Michael Kueppers: War ein Asteroid der Auslöser für das Aussterben der Dinosaurier?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:09
- Clips: 0
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- Romana Kofler: What is the role of the UN in protecting Earth from asteroids?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:14
- Clips: 0
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- Armelle Hubault: Un astronome amateur peut-il découvrir un astéroïde?
- Released: 30/06/2020
- Length: 00:01:23
- Clips: 0
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