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description: Interview (65 VIDEOS)
- Salt in Enceladus
- Saturn's moon hides salt water
- Released: 19/03/2009
- Length: 00:05:20
- Clips: 6
Online only
- GMES: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
- Keeping an eye on Earth
- Released: 28/01/2009
- Length: 00:04:51
- Clips: 9
Online only
- Celsius Mission STS-116 VNR
- Celsius Mission STS-116 VNR
- Released: 23/11/2006
- Length: 00:09:09
- Clips: 10
Online only
- EGNOS helping the visually impaired citizens - Mobile Orientation
- EGNOS guides blind pedestrians
- Released: 30/06/2006
- Length: 00:04:45
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Space Law
- Space law. An interview to Rene Oosterlinck
- Released: 27/06/2006
- Length: 00:13:57
- Clips: 8
Online only
- Corot, in Search of Other Worlds - The Exoplanet Hunter
- Corot,will detect rocky planets outside our Solar System
- Released: 18/05/2006
- Length: 00:13:22
- Clips: 7
Online only
- Herschel Telescope - The Biggest Space Telescope Ever
- The Hersschel telescope - The Biggest Space Telescope ever
- Released: 15/03/2006
- Length: 00:16:09
- Clips: 11
Online only
- Venus Express: Exploring the Venus Greenhouse
- The scientific objectives of the Venus Express mission
- Released: 13/10/2005
- Length: 00:13:37
- Clips: 8
Online only
- Microgravity - the Various Tools
- Different methods of creating a state of microgravity.
- Released: 26/07/2005
- Length: 00:07:54
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Europe and The Space Shuttle
- Space Shuttle Discovery
- Released: 20/05/2005
- Length: 00:08:41
- Clips: 7
Online only