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description: Solar wind (60 VIDEOS)
- Cluster
- ESA's Cluster mission studies the Sun-Earth connection in orbit around Earth
- Released: 10/12/2009
- Length: 00:26:04
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Mars Express Goes Underground -Update Dec 2005
- The MARSIS instrument onboard ESA's Mars Express looks under the surface of Mars
- Released: 29/11/2005
- Length: 00:06:14
- Clips: 6
Online only
- Venus Express: Exploring the Venus Greenhouse
- The scientific objectives of the Venus Express mission
- Released: 13/10/2005
- Length: 00:13:37
- Clips: 8
Online only
- Venus Express Science Objectives: Earth and Venus
- Venus Express Science Objectives: Earth and Venus
- Released: 12/09/2005
- Length: 00:14:10
- Clips: 7
Online only
- First Spectacular results from Mars Express
- First spectacular results from Mars Express; ice on Mars and 3D images
- Released: 10/02/2004
- Length: 00:04:22
- Clips: 5
Online only
- Huygens/Cassini en route to Titan
- Cassini/Huygens en route to Saturn and Titan including the Jupiter swing by
- Released: 17/07/2001
- Length: 00:04:23
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Cluster 2 Story
- Released: 15/05/2000
Tape only
- Cluster 2 Story
- Cluster 2 mission described by Christophe-Philippe Escoubet
- Released: 15/05/2000
- Length: 00:10:35
- Clips: 6
Online only
- Cluster Competition Promotion Clips (All Versions)
- Released: 04/04/2000
Tape only