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description: Universe (87 VIDEOS)
- Science@ESA: Episode 4: Following the redshift - from HST to JWST
- Released: 04/07/2013
- Length: 00:14:14
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Science@ESA: Episode 2: Planck - looking back to the dawn of time
- Released: 04/07/2013
- Length: 00:15:28
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Stories from XMM-English
- XMM - video index of 9 stories about XMM's science and construction
- Released: 24/05/2005
- Length: 00:24:32
- Clips: 0
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- Exploring The Universe
- Overview of ESA Science missions at time of 25 years of ESA
- Released: 01/01/1989
- Length: 00:20:47
- Clips: 0
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- Planck Sky Scan
- Planck has completed its first "sky scan"
- Released: 01/07/2010
- Length: 00:04:12
- Clips: 11
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- Science@ESA: Episode 5: The untamed, violent Universe
- Released: 04/07/2013
- Length: 00:18:46
- Clips: 0
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- The dark side of Space
- The dark side of Space
- Released: 24/02/2009
- Length: 00:04:47
- Clips: 8
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- Integral science highlights
- Released: 12/10/2012
- Length: 00:01:46
- Clips: 0
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- Hubble VNR3: Hubble and beyond Special 3
- Hubble contribution to astronomy and the forthcoming missions
- Released: 04/04/2005
- Length: 00:06:54
- Clips: 6
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