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location: Italy (486 VIDEOS)
- AI for space
- Released: 09/09/2019
- Length: 00:04:45
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Linking EO to ground observations, user requirements, experiences
- Released: 12/02/2014
- Length: 00:26:51
- Clips: 0
Online only
- ERS-2 fly by over ESA's Earth Observation Centre, Frascati
- Released: 21/02/2024
- Length: 00:00:33
- Clips: 1
Online only
- European Communication Satellites
- History of ESA's Telecommunications Satellite Programme
- Released: 01/01/1991
- Length: 00:13:34
- Clips: 0
Online only
- ExoMars test rover Amalia drives off the landing platform
- Released: 18/01/2022
- Length: 00:01:41
- Clips: 0
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- Φ-week – Future EO, part 3
- Released: 14/11/2018
- Length: 01:33:44
- Clips: 0
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- Aeolus data flow
- Released: 14/08/2018
- Length: 00:00:30
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Gorner – reflections on glaciers in a changing climate, with astronaut Luca Parmitano | LPS 2022
- Released: 25/05/2022
- Length: 01:30:00
- Clips: 0
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- Italy to the Indian Ocean
- Released: 21/09/2021
- Length: 00:02:19
- Clips: 0
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- 2017 Space App Camp
- Released: 15/12/2017
- Length: 00:05:46
- Clips: 0
Online only