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people: Jan Wörner (62 VIDEOS)
- Media event: ESA seeks new astronauts
- Released: 16/02/2021
- Length: 01:00:00
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Director General's annual press conference
- Released: 14/01/2021
- Length: 01:36:00
- Clips: 0
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- Space Station 20th: astronauts celebrate humans’ home in space
- Released: 02/11/2020
- Length: 00:13:39
- Clips: 0
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- How to reinvent business models after COVID-19
- Released: 15/06/2020
- Length: 00:56:23
- Clips: 0
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- Discussion on remote working following lockdown
- Released: 09/06/2020
- Length: 01:30:04
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Discussion on education during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Released: 03/06/2020
- Length: 01:00:00
- Clips: 0
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- Discussion on space for healthcare after COVID-19
- Released: 20/05/2020
- Length: 01:20:00
- Clips: 0
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- Climate care: remote life, better life?
- Released: 04/05/2020
- Length: 00:58:51
- Clips: 0
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- Press briefing on ExoMars
- Replay of a press briefing on ExoMars, held on 12 March 2020.
- Released: 12/03/2020
- Length: 00:45:56
- Clips: 0
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- Why Neosat matters
- Released: 16/01/2020
- Length: 00:01:36
- Clips: 0
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