ESA title

GOCE results

Launched on 17 March 2009, ESA's Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is bringing about a whole new level of understanding of one of Earth's most fundamental forces of nature the gravity field.

Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2011 | 06:30 - 06:50 GMT | 08:30 - 08:50 CEST

Type: ESA TV Exchange

Format: 16:9

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Launched on 17 March 2009, ESA's Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is bringing about a whole new level of understanding of one of Earth's most fundamental forces of nature the gravity field.

Dubbed the 'Formula 1' of satellites, GOCE's main goal is to map Earth's gravity field in unprecedented detail.

This now gives a unique model of the 'geoid', which is the surface of equal gravitational potential defined by the gravity field crucial for deriving accurate measurements of ocean circulation and sea-level change, both of which are affected by climate change.

On 31 March 2011, a press briefing focusing on the results of this mission will be held at the Technische Universität München in Germany.

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Satellite Parameters: Reception Parameters for 4.8 degrees East Satellite Sirius 4 Transponder B28 Centre Frequency 12245.340 MHz Polarisation Offset 0 degrees Polarisation State Vertical FEC Rate 3/4*188/204 Symbolrate 27.5 Megasymbols/s