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Ulysses: Video News Release
- Video Online only
- Title Ulysses: Video News Release
- Released: 19/09/1994
- Length 00:07:17
- Language English
- Footage Type VNR
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Scientific discoveries concerning the Sun's magnetic field are outlined.Ulysses has reached its observing position after a long journey in the solar system and a swing-by of planet Jupiter.At a press conference at ESTEC, in the Netherlands, the first scientific results were announced.Two major discoveries were made by Ulysses. The first one was that scientists believed so far that the Sun had a magnetic field pattern similar to the Earth's one and were therefore expecting Ulysses to identify the Sun's South magnetic pole. However, Ulysses did not find it.Instead, it found an uniform magnetic field.The second discovery was that scientists were also expecting more cosmic particles to enter into the heliosphere but Ulysses found out that few cosmic particles are actually reaching the sun.