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Europe Does It Well - Allemagne
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Europe Does It Well - Allemagne
- Released: 31/05/1998
- Length 00:11:25
- Language German
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
A general video covering ESA's achievements in the Space Science sector.
10:00:20:00 Giotto approaches Halley's comet
10:00:51:00 still of World against star background [Science Photo Library]
10:01:03:00 animation Mars rotation
10:01:07:00 animation Cassini/Huygens arrives at Saturn
10:01:17:00 animation Cassini releases Huygens probe towards Titan
10:01:25:00 animation Huygens parachutes through Titan'a atmosphere
10:01:31:00 animation Huygens lands on Titan's ocean
10:01:46:00 stills Halley's comet
10:01:50:00 ISO image of comet Wirtanen
10:01:57:00 Rosetta in space
10:02:04:00 Rosetta's lander at Comet Wirtanen
10:02:10:00 animation The Solar System, pull out from Sun
10:02:22:00 still Venus
10:02:30:00 image of Mars [Science Photo Library]
10:02:35:00 animation Mars Express in space
10:02:41:00 Mars Express lander animation
10:02:47:00 lander camera surveys area
10:02:49:00 rover leaves lander
10:02:54:00 wide shot rover and lander
10:02:58:00 still Mercury [Science Photo Library]
10:03:11:00 animation starfield
10:03:18:00 first Hubble servicing