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Leonids VNR
- Video Tape only
- Title Leonids VNR
- Released: 10/11/1998
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On the night of November 17th 1998, the Earth will cross the wake of Comet
Tempel-Tuttle. Countless grains of dust thrown out by the comet will slam into
the atmosphere at 71 kilometres per second. The Leonids, as the dust storm is called, may produce the most spectacular shower of meteors, or ""shooting stars"", seen since 1966. Unfortunately for Europe, it is Asia that will point into the comet's wake - and only this part of the world will, weather permitting, observe a spectacular night time sky.
This video contains relevant material, including animations, interviews with scientists and discussion on possible damage to satellites.begin
10:00:50:00 Graphic of Comet Tempel Tuttle and cometary wake
10:01:00:00 Graphic of Tempel Tuttle on solar orbit with meteorites
10:01:10:00 Graphic of Tempel Tuttle with wake of meteorites
10:01:22:00 Graphic of the orbits of the earth and the comet
10:01:33:00 Graphic of Earth passing through the wake of the comet.
10:01:47:00 Shooting stars in the night sky seen from the Earth
10:02:17:00 Still of Comet Tempel Tuttle
10:02:22:00 Still of a Comet seen from Giotto satellite with cometary wake
10:02:26:00 Caption - Interview Professor Walter Flury
10:02:30:00 ESOC entry sign at Darmstadt, Germany
10:02:42:00 Walter Flury entering ESOC building
10:02:55:00 I/V Walter Flury
10:07:53:00 3D Graphic of Telecom Satellite with large surface area in orbit around the Earth
10:08:13:00 3D Graphic illustrating satellite damage by electromagnetic field and particles
10:08:55:00 5 shots showing examples of damaged solar panels recovered from satellites
10:09:10:00 3D Graphic of ESAÕs Olympus satellit
- Length 13:46:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Director Adam Majorosi
- Producer ESA
- Executive World Wide Pictures