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Unity Launch: Day 1: English
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Unity Launch: Day 1: English
- Released: 04/12/1998
- Length 01:35:10
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The second component of the International Space Station, the Unity node[Node 1] module, was launched by the Space Shuttle on December 4th, 1998. This transmission, recoeded in Cologne, Germany, covers the live event. Guests as follows: Uli Bobinger, Ulf Merbold, Ewald Reinhold, Jorg Feustel-Buechl, Christer Fuglesang.
Not available
- Length 20:07:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Producer DLR/ Daimler Chrysler Aerospace