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STS-103 VNR - Francais
- Video Tape only
- Title STS-103 VNR - Francais
- Released: 24/11/1999
- Language French
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Due for launch in December 1999, the STS-103 mission will be the third flight to service and repair the Hubble Space Telescope. ESA astronauts onboard the shuttle will be Jean-Francois Clervoy and Claud Nicollier. The mission is especially urgent following a failure of the fourth gyroscope out of six in Hubble's pointing system, which it needs to set its sights on various objects in the Universe.
The VNR contains two A-rolls, one focussing on the astronauts and the other concerned with scientific aspects of the mission. B-roll footage includes Hubble graphics and real in-orbit images, shuttle launch, coverage of previous missions STS-61 and STS-82, Nicollier and Clervoy training with NASA, and interviews with astronauts and Hubble scientists [including some Italian and German soundbites].begin
10:00:00 ESA Opening Titles
10:00:49 caption: STS-103 Video News Release
10:00:54 contents page
10:00:58 caption: Astronaut A-roll
10:01:03 astronaut A-roll
10:03:04 caption: Science A-roll
10:03:09 science A-roll
10:05:27 caption: B-roll
10:05:38 gvsÕ Hubble Space Telescope [HST] in orbit, Earth in b/g [NASA]
10:05:50 gvs HST in orbit [NASA]
10:06:20 animation HST in orbit
10:06:40 animation HST in orbit [NASA]
10:07:00 animation HST with cutaway section to show gyroscope [NASA]
10:07:22 Hubble Image the Lagoon nebula [NASA, ESA, STScI]
10:07:30 Hubble Image Hodge 301[NASA, ESA, STScI
10:07:38 Hubble deep field Image [South] [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:07:47 Hubble Image Mars [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:07:55 Hubble Image M2-9 [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:08:02 artistÕs rendering globular cluster passing through Milky Way [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:08:10 Hubble Image globular cluster M15 [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:08:19 globular cluster M80 [NASA, ESA, STScI
10:08:26 Hubble Image Sagittarius star cloud [NASA, ESA,
- Length 20:42:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Jason Skriniar
- Executive Medialink International