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- Video Tape only
- Released: 20/06/2001
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The launch of Envisat, the largest and most sophisticated Earth Observations satellite to date, in February 2002 will be a key moment for Europe. This is an area of space in which Europe has taken an undiputed world lead.
The Envisat satellite is an advance polar-orbiting Earth satellite, which will providfe measurements of the atmosphere ocean, land and ice over a five-year period.
Once launced, Envisat will improve upon measurements initiated by ESA's ERS-1 & 2 satellites.
This Video Index provides broadcasts with background footage on Envisat and covers the following areas:
History and Legacy
Mission, Systems & Development
Envisat Endorsments.
It includes English soundbytes by various experts and scientists and all the background footage carries clean internationsl sound.10:00:00 ESA Opener & copyright
10:00:49 Introduction
10:06:52 Envisat History & Legacy
10:11:14 Envisat MIssion, Systems & Development
10:25:07 Apllications, NPA
10:30:46 Applications, ECMWF
10:38:03 Applications, JRC
10:43:37 Applications, GKSS
10:49:51 Envisat Endorsements
10:00:49 SLATE - Envisat News Index
10:00:54 SLATE - Envisat 2 shots in test bay
10:01:10 SLATE - Envisat 3D animations (x3)
10:01:53 SLATE - Ariane Launcher at Guiana SPace Center, Kourou, French Guiana
10:02:05 SLATE - Ariane 5 Booster Separation animation
10:02:20 SLATE - Faring Separation animation
10:02:39 SLATE - Separation Cryogenic stage animation
10:02:58 SLATE - Separation last stage animation
10:03:24 SLATE - Simulated Earth orbit from Envisat
10:03:39 SLATE - MInisterial Conference Toulouse (France), October 1995, Where Envisat development was endorsed
- Exterior of building
- Interior/Delegates preparing for Conference
- Shaking hands on agreement
10:04:14 SLATE - Envisat orbi
- Length 06:41:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Jo Goodenough
- Post-production World WIde Pictures