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The Real Space Odyssey of 2001
- Video Online + Tape
- Title The Real Space Odyssey of 2001
- Released: 14/12/2001
- Length 00:05:06
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
This programme includes images of the space highlights of the year 2001, as follows:
De-orbiting of Mir
Assembly of International Space Station
First space tourist, Dennis Tito
First Europeans on board the ISS, Umberto Guidoni and Claudie Haignéré
Launch and recovery of Artemis satellite
Launch and arrival at Mars of Mars Odyssey spacecraft
Hubble Space Telescope observes a galaxy in living colour
SOHO improves our understanding of sun spots
The 5-minute A-roll with split audio and English commentary is followed by a longer B-roll.
10:00:30 A-Roll
10:05:07 B-Roll Slate
10:05:17 GV's Mir in Orbit
10:06:10 GV's International Space Station in orbit
10:06:51 Destiny Laboratory graphics and real images
10:07:18 ESA Astronaut Umberto Guidoni
10:07:30 ESA Astronaut Claudie Haigner?
10:07:46 Dennis Tito (Reuters Copyright)
10:08:02 Artemis Launch
10:08:19 Artemis graphics
10:08:36 Artemis Recovery Graphics
10:10:01 Satellite Reciever Dishes
10:10:08 Hubble Space Telescope graphics
10:10:40 Mars Orbiter Launch
10:11:21 Mars Orbiter - orbital insertion celebrations
10:11:26 Mars Orbiter Graphics
10:11:42 Mars Orbiter Hardware
10:11:56 SOHO images of the sun
10:12:02 Sunspot images
10:12:07 SOHO graphics
10:12:27 Sunspot graphics and real images
10:13:15 END
- Length 13:15:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Zoe WIlliamson
- Post-production WATCH TV