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MONTH: 2002 / 09 (19 VIDEOS)
- Galileo and cars
- Released: 27/09/2002
Tape only
- Vol 155 - AR513 Atlantic Bird MSG-1
- Released: 26/09/2002
Tape only
- Vol 155 MSG-1 Speach ( Jose Achache - ESA )
- Released: 26/09/2002
Tape only
- Integral - The Gamma Ray Burst
- Released: 20/09/2002
Tape only
- Integral - The Gamma Ray Burst
- Integral - The Gamma Ray Burst
- Released: 20/09/2002
- Length: 00:19:45
- Clips: 17
Online only
- EGNOS and Harvesting
- Released: 14/09/2002
Tape only
- EGNOS and Harvesting
- EGNOS: Harvesting with help of satellite navigation
- Released: 14/09/2002
- Length: 00:04:47
- Clips: 4
Online only
- Integral - A Short History of Gamma Ray Astonomy
- Released: 13/09/2002
Tape only
- Integral - A Short History of Gamma Ray Astonomy
- Providing a brief history of gamma-ray astronomy
- Released: 13/09/2002
- Length: 00:07:09
- Clips: 18
Online only
- STS-111 Mission Highlights 3
- Released: 09/09/2002
Tape only