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Vol-158/Ariane 5/Launcher Arrival Rushes
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Vol-158/Ariane 5/Launcher Arrival Rushes
- Released: 22/11/2002
- Length 01:47:32
- Language English
- Footage Type Index
- Copyright ESA/CNES/Arianespace
- Description
Selected rushes of the arrival of the main stage of Ariane 5 for flight 158 which will carry the Rosetta spacecraft into orbit. The footage also includes erection and integration of the launcher with the boosters and carries clean international sound.
00:01:00 Slate: Launcher Integration Rushes Vol 158 14/10/2002
00:01:05 Arrival of HMS Toucan at Pariacabo
00:16:54 Unboarding of Ariane 5 containers from HMS Toucan
00:29:52 Erection of EPC 18/11/02
01:03:55 Docking EAP2 19/11/02
01:20:04 Transfer of EAP2 19/11/02
01:29:02 Erection of case 22/11/02
01:34:01 Erection of EPS 22/11/02
01:48:42 End