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Smart-1: Story 2- Why Go to the Moon
- Video Tape only
- Title Smart-1: Story 2- Why Go to the Moon
- Released: 31/03/2003
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
This is the second of four programmes on ESA's SMART-1 spacecraft which will fly to the moon following a successful launch on Ariane 5 in August. The programme investigates why Europe is sending a spacecraft to the moon, focusing on the testing of new technologies and explaining the rationale behind the mission.
This Exchange comprises of a 5 minute A-roll with split audio (English commentary/international sound) and is complimented by a 8-minute B-Roll with clean international sound.Story 2 : Why Go to the Moon?
TC 10.00.40
We've studied it with robots in orbit. We've visited it in person. We've even crashed into it on purpose to try and kick up something interesting. Yet our nearest celestial neighbour, the Moon, still holds mysteries.
TC 10.00.56
No one has set foot on the Moon since 1972, the end of an era of exploration in which Apollo astronauts brought back 382 kilograms of material from the lunar surface.
TC 10.01.08
How was the Moon formed? Thanks to lunar samples scientists now favour a theory that the Moon is the result of a collision that took place soon after the birth of the Solar System four thousand five hundred million years ago. When the Earth was nearly complete, a gigantic asteroid, the size of Mars, supposedly collided with our planet, flinging vapourised rock and debris from both bodies into space. Some of it went into orbit around the Earth and then re-condensed and solidified to make the Moon.
TC 10.01.38
If the theory is correct, the Moo