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The ESTEC Corporate Video 2003 (Dutch)
- Video Online + Tape
- Title The ESTEC Corporate Video 2003 (Dutch)
- Released: 03/03/2003
- Length 00:06:38
- Language Dutch
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The European Space Agency's ESTEC establishment Corporate Video. ESTEC stands for the European Space Research and Technology Centre and is situated in Noordwijk in The Netherlands. The principal activities of this establishment are:
- Managing ESA space projects and preparing future projects; the projects themselves are developed and built by the aerospace industry in the different ESA member states.
- Providing technical support to ESA project teams; ESTEC has specialists and laboratories in virtually all space-related disciplines.
- Developing new space technology for future ESA projects in close collaboration with European industry and research organisations.
- Quality monitoring of ESA projects, including the formulation of standards and procedures and the specifications of materials and components.
- Testing satellites; ESTEC has the larges spacecraft test facilities in Europe.
This video provides an overview of the important role of the ESTEC site as part of the whole European Space Agency and i00:03:00:00 - 00:09:38:00 German Version