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Galileo , Europe shows the way ( Sept 2003)
- Video Online only
- Title Galileo , Europe shows the way ( Sept 2003)
- Released: 10/09/2003
- Length 00:10:27
- Language English, French
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The video presents the in general satellite navigation and specifically the Galileo navigation system. It mentions that Galileo is a joint project between the European Commission and ESA. Galileo will support people, automobiles, railroads, aeronautical vehicles and ships at sea, and provides worldwide availability. For aircraft it will support the critical moments of take-off and landing. Galileo will improve search and rescue operations (2:01), and people in need will be able to send an SOS independently of position on Earth, and the system will provide exact information on the persons position, so help can be sent to that exact position. The video explains the simple principle of satellite navigation (2:27). Galileo is compared to GPS (3:08), and unlike GPS it is mentioned that Galileo is a civilian system that will guarantee availability, continuity and quality of signal. Galileo and GPS are compatible, which will make them even safer to use. Mention that Galileo will become operational in 2008. It mention (3:30) that until then EGNOS will Provide service. EGNOS is described and it is mentioned that it provides a higher level of accuracy by using GPS signal and improve them. EGNOS, with GPS signals, provides an accuracy down to 2 meters, as opposed to the 15-20 meter accuracy of GPS. This is primary envisioned for air traffic control and will become operation sprint 2004 (3:58). EGNOS will improve the way for Galileo.